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Series: ScotsCity

  • September 1, 2024

    Series: ScotsCity

    The temptations of life threaten to steer us off track, away from the path of life and onto a path of death. Proverbs gives us several signs of warning and encouragement along the way, showing that God will put us and keep us on the path of life with Him.

  • August 25, 2024

    Series: ScotsCity

    There are two types of wisdom in life. One is found through humility, in Christ, and produces gentleness, peace, and mercy; the other seeks its own interests, is envious, and “demonic.” These are wisdom from above and wisdom from below. The God of wisdom delights to provide his wisdom to those who ask for it.

  • August 18, 2024

    Series: ScotsCity

    While Proverbs has a lot to say about what it means for us to be wise, it also shows us what it means for God to be wise. God is wise, and like everything else in the book, that has great implications for our own lives. In His wisdom, God orients us, knows us, and guides us.

  • August 11, 2024

    Series: ScotsCity

    Work – whatever your labors in life – is spiritual. While Proverbs has good advice for how we go about daily tasks, it also wants us to see that God works, that we work for God, and that our work belongs to God.

  • July 28, 2024

    Series: ScotsCity

    Emotions have immense power over us and others. Happiness, anger, and fear are among the most common feelings in life and the most common emotions addressed in Proverbs. To live well, emotionally, means to be thoughtful about our feelings, especially in light of the promise that our entire character will be transformed through Jesus Christ.

  • July 21, 2024

    Series: ScotsCity

    While many things in life are undesirable, unattainable, and unprofitable, God’s wisdom is none of the above. It’s one of his wonderful blessings. Wisdom has been called “the art of godly living,” and it’s available to those who want it.

  • July 14, 2024

    Series: ScotsCity

    God is the searcher of our hearts. He is the great cardiologist who alone rightly diagnoses our heart condition, knows what our hearts seek and most need, and knows how to change them and satisfy them. He’s the God of heart surgery. Jeremiah 17 opens up these realities, and as it does so, it opens up our hearts to God’s work of heart transformation.

  • July 7, 2024

    Series: ScotsCity

    Speaker: Johnson Wang

    It’s not just a Parable of the Good Guy, but a Samaritan – those considered outside of God’s covenant blessings. Jesus teaches that love is what marks belonging to God’s Kingdom.

  • June 30, 2024

    Series: ScotsCity

    Speaker: Johnson Wang

    Christ reveals in splendid light that he is not just man, but God. And the challenge for us is to listen to him in response.