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Speaker: Rev Phil Campbell

  • March 23, 2025

    Earnestly desire the ‘greater gifts’, said Paul back in chapter 12, before launching into his famous description of ‘love.’ But in a world both then and now fixated with the spiritually spectacular, what do the ‘greater gifts’ look like? The answer might surprise you!

  • February 2, 2025

    Like everyone else, Christians love to appear smart and sophisticated. But as followers of a crucified leader, maybe we need to change our expectations? In a city that loved eloquence and displays of public wisdom, Paul says he came preaching nothing but “Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” And that changes everything.

  • January 26, 2025

    Many Christians are keen to ‘hear God’s voice’ directly, with special guidance and insight from His Spirit. And yet Paul, as he travels to Jerusalem seems to face conflicting words of prophecy – and relentlessly presses on to his goal. What can we learn about what we should decide to do, and how we seek God’s guidance and wisdom?

  • January 19, 2025

    As Paul concludes his third missionary tour and turns his mind back to Jerusalem, he’s very aware that things won’t end well. As he gathers his team of ‘disciples’ in an Upper Room on the Day of Unleavened Bread, there are clear echoes of a famous earlier occasion. And as one of the disciples demonstrates, even when things seem to go all the way down, there’s still hope in the resurrecting Jesus.

  • January 12, 2025

    Some Christians suggest we should always expect ‘the extraordinary’ – if only you have enough faith, they say, you’ll be healthy and prosperous. But when the Apostle Paul does extraordinary stuff, it’s a mark of his extraordinary authority. For us, maybe the name of Jesus is better honoured by our ordinary faithfulness?

  • December 25, 2024

    Unlike the stars of the popular improv show, God walked through the blue door knowing exactly how the scene would play out

  • November 24, 2024

    In our passing world, very few things are built to last. As we celebrate 150 years in our Scots’ Church building, we give thanks to God not just for the stonework of our forebears, but for the more lasting cornerstone – the founding faith of those who proclaimed the good news of Jesus Christ.

  • November 3, 2024

    The travelling Apostle Paul has remarkable success establishing a new church in Corinth… but by the time he writes back to them three years later, there are some serious problems brewing from within. We will do well to learn from their mistakes!

  • October 27, 2024

    As Paul arrives in Athens, he’s confronted by a bewildering array of options. Temples, idols, and intellectual and philosophical options are everywhere. Paul observes, he reasons, and he debates – but always the same thing remains central. The resurrection of Jesus is the way the one true God has made himself known.