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Speaker: Rev Dr Arthur Keefer

  • February 23, 2025

    Christians mess up in the areas of marriage and relationships and sexuality in all kinds of ways. It’s a painful topic, and Paul allows for that in the way he speaks to the Corinthians. The simple thing Paul urges is to start living a cross-shaped life of devotion to the Lord. We’ve been bought at the huge cost of his death on the cross . . . so let’s live like it, in single minded devotion to the Lord!

  • February 16, 2025

    The Corinthian church has been guilty of all kinds of misjudgment – turning a blind eye when they should have taken action, and taking action when they should have turned a blind eye. They needed to see how Cross-Shaped Living affects what and how they judge things.

  • February 9, 2025

    Factions in the church in Corinth are a sign of a deeper spirituality problem, which requires a spiritual solution. To see the Triune God founding, building, and serving his church helps us see ourselves and our leaders as cross-shaped servants – and warns us against causing division.

  • December 29, 2024

    John takes his audience back to the basics of Christianity because they lacked assurance about their relationship with God. In the book’s final chapter, he sums up his message by reassuring ‘everyone who believes’ that they can know God through Jesus, the Christ.

  • October 20, 2024

    Series: ScotsCity

    “God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” That’s a profound claim for a world with so much darkness. God’s light appears in the life of Christ, in the possibility of eternal life, and in a life of fellowship and joy.

  • October 20, 2024

    “Our pastor rejuvenated this congregation . . . He grew our church from 1 to 1,000.” Easy to say but easily wrong. It’s not us but God who grows his church and gives us the opportunity to participate. He’s the source and standard of growth, and he grows us up together.

  • October 13, 2024

    Series: ScotsCity

    Where does the journey of wisdom take us? It can take us to low points of failure and burnout, and it can take us to high points of success and fulfillment. God meets us in both of these places, which point us toward the final end of wisdom, the exalted Lord Jesus Christ.

  • October 6, 2024

    Series: ScotsCity

    Words go wrong in so many ways. What we say, why we say it, and how we speak are all important in the Bible and in society. But learning to speak with wisdom is not just a mouth problem; it’s a heart problem. A heart full of the gospel will fill our words with wisdom.

  • September 29, 2024

    Series: ScotsCity

    Who loves correction? It’s difficult to give and difficult to receive. In the Bible, correction is three things: painful, purifying, and a mark of Christian sonship. Children of God can look to Jesus as one who endured hardship and embrace a new vision for the trials of life.