March 16, 2025
Series: Traditional Service
Speaker: Rev Justin Ang
Do you ever feel useless? In God’s church, you’re not, because we’ve all been given gifts to help build up the body of believers. In other words, we’re here to serve one another by “Living a Cross Shaped Life in a Self-Centered World”.
March 9, 2025
Series: Traditional Service
Speaker: Rev Justin Ang
What does a cross-shaped church look like? In first century Corinth, it boils down to some mundane details – will men and women dress to show their status, or their humility? When they share meals together, will they consider the needs of the poor among them, or will some be left hungry? Ultimate, cross shaped sacrificial living is very practical!
March 2, 2025
Series: Traditional Service
Speaker: Rev Justin Ang
We continue our series in 1 Corinthians and consider what it looks like to have cross-shaped freedom. Christians are free to eat food. But what happens if it causes another believer to stumble in their faith?
February 23, 2025
Series: Traditional Service
Speaker: Rev Dr Arthur Keefer
Christians mess up in the areas of marriage and relationships and sexuality in all kinds of ways. It’s a painful topic, and Paul allows for that in the way he speaks to the Corinthians. The simple thing Paul urges is to start living a cross-shaped life of devotion to the Lord. We’ve been bought at the huge cost of his death on the cross . . . so let’s live like it, in single minded devotion to the Lord!
February 16, 2025
Series: Traditional Service
Speaker: Rev Dr Arthur Keefer
The Corinthian church has been guilty of all kinds of misjudgment – turning a blind eye when they should have taken action, and taking action when they should have turned a blind eye. They needed to see how Cross-Shaped Living affects what and how they judge things.
February 9, 2025
Series: Traditional Service
Speaker: Rev Dr Arthur Keefer
Factions in the church in Corinth are a sign of a deeper spirituality problem, which requires a spiritual solution. To see the Triune God founding, building, and serving his church helps us see ourselves and our leaders as cross-shaped servants – and warns us against causing division.
February 2, 2025
Series: Traditional Service
Speaker: Rev Phil Campbell
Like everyone else, Christians love to appear smart and sophisticated. But as followers of a crucified leader, maybe we need to change our expectations? In a city that loved eloquence and displays of public wisdom, Paul says he came preaching nothing but “Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” And that changes everything.
January 26, 2025
Series: Traditional Service
Speaker: Rev Phil Campbell
Many Christians are keen to ‘hear God’s voice’ directly, with special guidance and insight from His Spirit. And yet Paul, as he travels to Jerusalem seems to face conflicting words of prophecy – and relentlessly presses on to his goal. What can we learn about what we should decide to do, and how we seek God’s guidance and wisdom?
January 19, 2025
Series: Traditional Service
Speaker: Rev Phil Campbell
As Paul concludes his third missionary tour and turns his mind back to Jerusalem, he’s very aware that things won’t end well. As he gathers his team of ‘disciples’ in an Upper Room on the Day of Unleavened Bread, there are clear echoes of a famous earlier occasion. And as one of the disciples demonstrates, even when things seem to go all the way down, there’s still hope in the resurrecting Jesus.