January 21, 2024
Series: Traditional Service
Speaker: Rev Phil Campbell
Our attempts at creating Utopia always seem to fail – which is why “Life sucks, and then you die” has become such a popular creed. Genesis 3 paints a stylised picture of what went wrong, and why the world works in the broken way it does. Is there even a glimmer of hope?
January 14, 2024
Series: Traditional Service
Speaker: Rev Phil Campbell
You’ll sometimes hear the expression (usually delivered with a touch of sarcasm), “She thinks she’s God’s gift to mankind.” But the fact is, we should recognise that God really has given us a gift when he gives us the right kind of leaders.
January 7, 2024
Series: Traditional Service
Speaker: Rev Phil Campbell
The second chapter of Genesis gives us a tantalising glimpse of an unspoiled world, with God, mankind and creation in harmony. That’s not the world we live in now, but it does give a hint of what ultimate meaning and satisfaction might look like!
December 31, 2023
Series: Traditional Service
Speaker: Rev Phil Campbell
What better time than the start of a new year to look back to the Bible’s account of our origins. God’s intention was for a humanity that would bear his image and share his gracious rule over the creation – a grand start to the larger story of the mess we made, and the ‘second Adam’ who cleans it up.
December 17, 2023
Series: Traditional Service
Speaker: Rev Phil Campbell
This week, as part of our Christmas festivities, join us here at Scots’ for our annual Nine Lessons and Carols!
December 10, 2023
Series: Traditional Service
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Graham Cole
Scots’ is delighted to welcome Rev Dr Graham Cole back as we take a look at 1 Peter 1:3-16 together in a sermon titled “Hope Matters”.
December 3, 2023
Series: Traditional Service
Speaker: Rev Phil Court
The reason why Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians has become the standard for the Lord’s Supper is because he sets out the meaning of the bread and the wine so succinctly. However, there is much to learn from and much to consider in from other accounts such as Luke’s to give us more context and background to this key event.
November 26, 2023
Series: Traditional Service
Speaker: Rev Phil Court
With Jesus, it’s never a case of do as I say, not as I do. He always models in himself what he wants us to do. He is among us, as the one who serves, who values the lives of others ahead of his own life.
November 19, 2023
Series: Traditional Service
Speaker: Rev Phil Campbell
There’s an infamous (but true) story of a church in Scotland that was so badly divided that they built a wall between the two halves of the congregation. But the Apostle Paul is clear – Christian maturity will always mean unity, as we build one another up in love.